Hedvig H

human!!! by @hedvh (Hedvig H)

Ah! It's a human.. And I can't draw humans.. their noses always get too big.. :O( Although I like the way this one turned out.. =o)

20y195d ago
Other Work By @hedvh

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 24 November, 2003 @ 04:57 PM

I think the angle on this turned out really well! I do have some suggestions in the future, though, if you're up for them. First, maybe soften the line of the mouth a little more -- lips aren't really hard objects on faces, so you can kinda line them a little more loosely--throw in a few lines to indicate shadows, and the center upper boundary of the lip...that'd work nicely.

Second, watch the far eye: it's really flattening out. Remember, eyeballs are spheres shielded by the outcrops of bone around them. The line of that far eyeball should round to show its form (if you'd like a redline, just ask).

Finally, for noses...It might help if you find a geometric model of the nose to start out with (I can't find a good example of what I want right now... maybe this page will help?). For pretty girls' noses, you might also want to reference from popular comic books--those girls often time just have a short li'l line for the bridge of the nose, then simple dots or shapes for nostrils.

Good luck! Thanks for sharing this!

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