
My attempt at animated heroes' sisters ;-)
My attempt at animated heroes' sisters ;-) by @Isolde (Isolde)

Guess who inspired me to draw this? (Kylie and her Jali and her Cher did :-)) And guess who's sister this is supposed to be...ok, that's too unobvious, it's Milo's (that 'hero' from Disney's Atlantis) sister. I called her Jody. Also invented a little background story for her as I wanted to use her in an RPG, but then there the Ulysses already "set sail"... So if Milo's parents died and he lived with his grandfather and everybody thought his grandfather was a bit crazy, maybe some other farther relatives took Jody, because she was still a baby. And they didn't tell her that she's got a brother until now, when she's about 24. :-) My mouse is still (bleep)ed up as you can see (shadows)....

Finished Work
22y193d ago
Other Work By @Isolde

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 25 January, 2002 @ 12:17 PM

woah! I inspired a character? Cool! Love the pic, purple is a kewl colour on her, and I can honestly picture her as Milo's sis. Well done!

Posted: Friday, 01 February, 2002 @ 02:05 AM

Hmm...cool, she has that Miloness to her, you've really made them look related! Good job!

milosgals.tripod.com http://www.side7.com/art/galsblit

Posted: Monday, 03 June, 2002 @ 02:06 AM

DANG, They do look related! And she don't look as "Dorky" (if ya don't mind my sayin') as Milo does... U also have a very good imagination, I think!

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