Roisin Marsh

Zuci + chibi and a (uh oh!) OTTER!
Zuci + chibi and a (uh oh!) OTTER! by @Foxxie_Angel (Roisin Marsh)
well somethin went wrong with my computer and it froze while I was in the middle of doing this pic and it went wierd I had to re-do the background and now the piccy has a horrible halo thing around it : -( its Zuci and a chibi Zuci being chased by an otter Im sure you understand Fer ^_^(please dont kill me!) we ended up doing a trade after a "debate" about Otters tails of all things but thats in da past mon! well I am waffling on now but this pic is in return for the kewl piccy she did of Zoe for me Thanx Fer ^_^
Artwork © Copyright 2002 Roisin Marsh
Finished Work
22y81d ago
Other Work By @Foxxie_Angel

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 10 April, 2002 @ 09:14 PM

thwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwap...thwap....thwap.....thwapthwap otters...... its always otters...:p

Posted: Wednesday, 10 April, 2002 @ 09:14 PM

Oh, and thanks for the really cool pic! thats a cool jogging outfit to... is thinking of drawing her like that h,mmmmmmmmmmmm oh and the chibies are really too cute!

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