Haley Brown

Gothic Xel
Gothic Xel by @NK (Haley Brown)

My sister loved the pic of Goth Tasuki, so she asked me to do one of Xellos. ^^.; I'm starting to see why some people draw only this kinna thing; it's really fun. & With pens I can finally get as dark as I want with the colors. Pencils are eeevil for dark things. I like this one's pants as well as the last. grins paaaants

Finished Work
21y284d ago
Other Work By @NK

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 03 September, 2002 @ 01:12 PM

This is so cute! Xelloss as a goth is adorable, I love his tattoo. The idea for the clothes and everything just pull this piece together. BTW, what did you use to color it? It's hard for me to tell, but it looks great!

Posted: Saturday, 14 September, 2002 @ 04:11 AM

That is awesome! Da shadin is wonderful and I love how his eyes are hidden. Really nice.

Posted: Thursday, 01 May, 2003 @ 12:29 PM

Cool wings XD I really like the design, all evil and such. Random friend beside me: Wicked arse pants!

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