Plush Girl

Happy Pteri Day
Happy Pteri Day by @plush_girl (Plush Girl)

This is my entry for the picture contest for neopets because its pteri day soon.

O yea and my friend pru, reminded me to say thankies to all the people who compliment on my stuff. And a few little thank yous as well my friends at school pru: for complimneting on pictures jessica:for complimenting on pictures moe:for complimenting on my archive

people I dont know

Zarathus:Oh my God zarathus likes my art faints

TaLuna:Oh my god taluna liked my stuff to, and comented on practically all of my pictures faints again and we did an art trade faints once again

InsaneMonkie: hehe thanx, glad you liked the pic i did for you ^^

FireFoxLupeguild: I dont know who you are at all but you asked for an art request and comented on my stuff, email me and I'll do a picture for you if you still want me to

chibifarore: Yay chibi liked the picture I did for them

chaka:HUGS Yay chaka, your the best, glad you liked the picture of tao

Arty stuff

TaLuna: we did an art trade yes in we did yes yes ^^

Chibifarore: Yay another art trade, I love the pic you did for me

Daniela Davi: Oh My God, you are my idle and you did a picture for me hugs you so tight you burst

Insane Monkie: Yay a picture request, it makes me feel wanted when people ask for requests ^^

FireFoxLupeGuild:I dont know what you want me to draw yet, but thanks for the request

angel_4rm_below1988: Glad you liked the picture I did of your kougra in anthro style

nova: Yay thanks for the two art trades ^^ DeDe: Yay thanks for the art trade dede you did a really cute pic for me, I havent uploaded your picture yet, but I sent it to you by email

neopets user: art requst, glad you liked the spotted kougra

sally: frined at school, asked me to draw an anthro character for her

alice: friend at school, also asked me to draw an anthro character for her

a user on powerpets: asked me to do a userlookup picture for her, because I'm head of characters on powerpets ^^

amber thomas: for the art trade, hope you like the picture of wolven I did for you, thanks for the picture you did for me

hideki imamura: art request: glad you liked the shoyru and eyrie

nomm_00: art trade, glad you liked the picture, I did for you, thanx for the one you did for me

carly20003:art request: glad you liked the picture of your yellow draik

neopets user:art trade, glad you liked the picture of you purple gelert

HUGS ALL OF YOU thanx all of you, for making me feel so welcome on side7 hugs pru you are my best friend hugs you again thanx for reminding me pru, I almost forgot to thank every one. skips off merily o0 Artwork © Copyright 2002 Plush Girl

Finished Work
21y269d ago
Other Work By @plush_girl

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 08 November, 2002 @ 05:47 PM

man! my dim comp wont let me c ur pic... buts wots with ur description!? lol! supa dupa long... u shure have alot of spare time on ur hand. i knew u did but this...shish! :) xxx prudedoooooooooooo

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  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.