Hayley Price

Uhm . . . Really Nice Picture that I Drew?
Uhm . . . Really Nice Picture that I Drew? by @catrine (Hayley Price)

I had this scene running through my head and I figured I'd draw it. It turned out really good! The whole black in the back is supposed to be the background disapearing in shadow, but I don't think I did it well enough. Oh well, it still looks cool . . . I had to run out and buy a new black pen in the middle of this!

Hands aren't too great. She's holding a dagger in one hand, which she's just used to cut her hair. She's crushing a crystal flower in the other, which is turning into real petals as it breaks apart. There's a whole mini storyline behind this which I won't bother to relate.

Done in Prismacolor pens, pencils, and a ballpoint.

falls asleep on the keyboard

21y336d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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