Hayley Price

Sailor Kitty, through the ages
Sailor Kitty, through the ages by @catrine (Hayley Price)

Taa daa! I drew this picture to demonstrate the changes in Sailor Kitty's uniform throughout her lifetimes! If I did it well enough, it also demonstrates personality changes. When she was younger, on the left, with the spots, she was gentler and more innocent. Then she became a member of the High Order, lost the spots, and became more serious and responsible. Then she died, was reborn, and gained black and yellow banding. And now she's a psychotic anime fanatic. Wooo! There's also a pic of untransformed Catherine in the corner, with Strewth, her persian pokemon.

It may seem like I draw a lot of Sailor Kitty, and that is indeed true. But that doesn't mean I don't WANT to draw the other Sailor Eons. I'm just not good at it. Kitty is the only one I have the self esteem to fail at and come back to.

For more information about the Sailor Eons, go to


The site recently switched servers, so a lot of links are down, but you should be able to get to all the actual pages, most of the fiction, and some of the art. Woo!

21y336d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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