Evelien Chewy

I bite!
I bite! by @evelchew (Evelien Chewy)

This is an old picture of my white tigress character Zaraël. I made it in February so I dislike certain things about it (mainly the anatomy). But for the rest it's a cool pic ^^

I drew this for an Art contest at my school. The theme was "Temptation" and I drew Zaraël for it. Zaraël's a succubus and seduces men (both furres and humans) in the woods of Gadan (a RP world I'm a member of). I like the flower because it looks pretty, yet dangerous at the same time (with this red/white tentacle thingies). Just like my Zaraël ^_^

It is drawn on regular white paper. Yes, I coloured the black background myself ^^ Was the easiest part of the picture too X_x

The writing is.. sort of Elvish ^^ I used some sort of Elvish translator, then added a letter here and there to make it look more prettiful ^^;; "All shall love me and despair" is a quote I took from Galadriel, from The Lord Of The Rings. When I created Zaraël, I was VERY obsessed with LOTR (still am! ;)) which can also be seen in Zaraël's character design ^^ However, I still like LOTR, but not Zaraël's design anymore, so I'm gonna change it. She'll have a green/white fur ^^ Corsaness.

Oh, btw... I didn't win >< Now it is true that my Art teacher is VER anti-anthro ¬_¬ That's not fair. All he said was that I had a good technique. But he also said there was too much black in the middle and you shouldn't use plain black backgrounds. First I didn't agree because it was my intention to just fill up the sidelines, but now I kinda understand what he was saying. Although I still think my draft is cool ^^ I just think it might have been better to make the purple flames bigger or something. Ah well.

Medium: Karisma colour pencils

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evelien Chewy

Finished Work
21y338d ago
Other Work By @evelchew

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2002 @ 10:15 AM

Ooohhh... I think this is very pretty. ^-^ I'm not an expert, but I think I'll disagree with your art teacher... I think there is nothing wrong with a solid background. It can be used to communicate a lot of things and set mood, which I think it does with this pic. The colors have a lot of contrast and seem to work together really well. (IMO at least...) I really like the layout, the flower, and her outfit too. Maybe the anatomy could use a little work, but overall this is a very nice pic to me. ^_~

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2002 @ 10:23 AM

Way, thank you Midnight Wolf! ^^ I put a lot of effort into making as much contrast as possible, so I would create a dangerous atmosphere of some sort. And apparently, there is something like, a rule in the arty world (according to my teacher anyway) that you can NOT use black backgrounds ¬¬ I don't agree with him. But I don't agree with him on a lot of things, lol! I'm glad he's not my teacher anymore ^^ (I don't take Art anymore >< Takes too much of my time. School sucks.)

And yeah, the anatomy sucks.. a lot ^^ I've improved (I hope XD) on drawing that since February. And I'm still learning! ^-^

Thanks a lot for your nice comment! ^_^

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