Rebecca M

My Ninja Turtle character, Cara!
My Ninja Turtle character, Cara! by @Rebecky_mo (Rebecca M)

A picture of my own created Ninja Turtle, Caravaggio, AKA Cara (yes, she's a girl) Meant to be in 2003 Turtle style.

Problems: I made her shell too big! >_< And she kinda looks like a washed out Leo picture. grumbles

Good things: The shading, and I like how her weapons came out.

Overall, not bad; I'm glad I managed to do a semi-femme turtle without giving her breasts. The shell really bugs me though....

Finished Work
20y219d ago
Other Work By @Rebecky_mo

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 31 October, 2003 @ 06:31 PM

The shell is big yes, but don't let that bug u, it's still an ace pic. I think the shell on its own it well drawn, and actually LUKS like a turtle shell, just a little too big for the figure. I think her eyes shud be a slightly different shape to the TMNT, since she's female, but other than that you got a sucessful female turtle, heh, ;). The shading is gud and I like the left weapon ... is it a very weird shruiken? It's gud whatever, but I don't think it luks like Leo, you toned down the bulging muscles and gave her a slim neck, very gud ;). I like how you did the elbow pads. Hope to see more pics of her, any chance that happening? Heh, ciao

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