Ingrid Houwers

Duked by @GrayWolf (Ingrid Houwers)

Don't get me wrong, the Da Vinci code.. nice book on itself. Lovely story, though un-original and done many times before, with some good pointers that will make people think. But what works me up about it is people seeing it as the second bible, believing every written word of it including the already proven hoax; The Priory of Sion.

What works me up even further is people going to all these places and landmarks and actually damage monuments of historic significance just to find out if the book was right. It's worse then the Harry Potter books, where people actually walked into the pillar of the station (that was just downright funny). Don't believe everything you read people.

So, with no further ado... the ferret that Duked the world (or should that be dooked?). The grail (being just a grail in this case) in ferret hands. Hey, it's shiney AND it's important to a lot of people.. In short, perfect ferret treasure hidden in some corner of the world

Finished Work
18y16d ago
Other Work By @GrayWolf

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 22 May, 2006 @ 11:06 PM

Nice work! I'm not too fond of the zig-zag lines showing brightness though.

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