Nanashi Watanabe

We Keep On Going
We Keep On Going by @Nanashi (Nanashi Watanabe)

o____o!! I'M FINALLY DONE! XD This took around 6 hours to complete! But unlike normally, I went through almost the whole thing straight without having a thought of 'I'll finish this tomorrow' ... one exception is that I had to leave for something XD;;; Well, it's Tamara and her digis: Cini, Tekia, Mao, and Nebamon ^^ and Nanashi and hers: Mogi, Youdo, Kijutsudo, and Ematomon! I'm actually pretty proud of this, and Tamara came out better than I thought! But Nanashi is kinda "Ehh..." I had to fix her face 12 (I kept count XD) times before it turned out this way! Also, when I was doing the highlights on her hair, I was zoomed in and when I was done with it and zoomed out, it was so fricking bright I fell out of my chair... it was really screwy XDDDD I made up the quote really fast... even though it does fit and all oo; It looks like I used tones... but I didnt! After I converted it to a GIF file some of the shading turned out all weird oO; That's odd. XD And I made Neba look like a tard. Hardy har. Enjoy ^^

21y56d ago
Other Work By @Nanashi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 13 April, 2003 @ 11:24 AM

Awesome ^.^ love it

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