Megan Magnus

Untitled concept portrait 1
Untitled concept portrait 1 by @megamagn (Megan Magnus)

I first sketched this out while down at Anime Central in May in under 2 hours (but had to wait until I got home to ink it because I was an idiot and forgot to bring my pen :P), and considering I barely had any reference pictures to work from (just my previous artwork of Jamil, my GX doujinshi anthologies, and my GX artbook), I was amazed at how well the lineart turned out. But even though I say it's a work-in-progress, I only wish I knew what else to do with this thing. The original version of this has been sitting around half-colored for a couple months because I've been such a lazy bum about it, and I don't know how in the world I could ever get myself to CG this either. I hate when that happens...

22y219d ago
Other Work By @megamagn

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