@megamagn || Profile
Megan Magnus

@megamagn (Megan Magnus)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
28 October, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
23 May, 1980
megamagn turns 44 this year.
Wisconsin, Unspecified
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Hi there! I normally don't like using my real name online, but I figured that hey, if there's someone here who once knew me but doesn't know my screen name, they'd be able to see what I've been up to lately. And hey, nearly everyone else is using their real names here too, so why not?

Anyway, I usually go by the name of Khandreia in most every place I hang out at, and I am a BIG Gundam fan. As time goes on, you'll learn very quickly through my artwork that my favorite series is After War Gundam X (which is highly underappreciated, I tell you!), and that Jamil is my favorite character from that. points to the shrine on her site and her ten-gazillion drawings of him that will all eventually get added here Other favorite anime of mine aside from almost all things Gundam include Escaflowne, Trigun, Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors, Akira, and Princess Mononoke, among others, but I don't draw these as often as I do Gundam stuff. I also used to be a big fan of the earlier Power Rangers series (hey, stop laughing back there!), so you might see a few of my older PR fan art and fic-art pieces show up around here too.

Aside from anime, I'm a 21-year-old college dropout with no money, job, or social life caught in a middle-of-nowhere Midwestern small town. --; Pretty easy to see why I occupy myself with art and anime, isn't it? But I also spend my time working on my website, creating the occasional anime music video, writing fanfics, and collecting both model horses (since I used to be into horseback riding but don't have my horse anymore) and Gundam models.

That's about it, really. Enjoy my artwork! ^

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