Kelly Marie

Zimon!!! by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

This was inspired by the new Simon and Milo song, "Get a Clue." where Zim is taking the role as Simon in this Invader zim and Simon and Milo Crossover. Gir is just there just to fill up space on paper..but he looks cute don't you think?

Finished Work
22y33d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 02 June, 2002 @ 08:56 AM

THIS.....IS..SOOOO......CCCCCCUUUUUUUTTTTEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!(Begins to irish step dance.) I saw that video and I know that people are going to start piling up slash fanfics consisting of Simon and Milo on music fanfics(I have no problem with that by the way.). Anyway this is really great. I've seen your other drawings and you rock!Gotta go.
~ Ja' (Japanese for bye I think.) (Stops irish step dancing!WEE!)

Posted: Thursday, 13 June, 2002 @ 10:44 PM

That is soooo cool! Actually, Simon and Milo used to be known as Prozzack, I think. I remember the "Sucks to be you" video, and it was the same animation and the singer sounds the same. I could be wrong, though. It's a great drawing, but aren't Zim's eyes blue? o_O

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2002 @ 10:12 AM

More props!!! I LOVE IT!!! and also: I LOVE SIMON!!!!!I LOVE SIMON!!!!!I LOVE SIMON!!!!!I LOVE SIMON!!!!! lol, we'll i betta go bfore i get out of hand with this I LOVE SIMON!!!!! stuff, LATAZ

Posted: Wednesday, 10 July, 2002 @ 09:11 PM

THIS IS THE CUTEST MOST ADORABLE THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!gives you two thumbs up, but then starts pretending hands are evil monsters that eat you

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 04:07 PM

This pic is GREAT!! f Simon could see it, he would probably die of laughter!

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