Li Chi Son

My pride and joy......#1.  (p.s. These things take too long to finish -_-;;)
My pride and joy......#1. (p.s. These things take too long to finish -_-;;) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Gonna be gone so I decided to show the profile sheets I have been doing for quite some time now. Currently I have finished 4 sheets and am trying to create/redraw older characters just for the occasion.

((I'm going to be having fun typing all the credits sweatdrops))

Starting from top right and going counterclockwise.

Li Chi Son- species:half-saiyan, half-human (opinion: pwetty! It just got extremely annoying when I was trying to CG the hair without any pen lines as a guide)

Gohan Son - species:half-saiyan, half-human (opinion: hehehhe, guys just don't have much style like the girls :P, same problem with the hair as Li Chi)

Finn - species:elven (opinion: Hellooo goood looking!!! the CG has been here on Side7 for quite some time now. Too bad he won't be coming to rp anymore *crosses her fingers hoping not :P)

Zaltite Covenin - species:alderan (opinion: -_-; I don't believe I drew such cr@p! It's hedious! Horrible!! Just look at it! Everything is so off! So I just redrew him later ;P)

Sakura - species:shapeshifter/demon (opinion: cute cute! Normally she's a cat but since Li Chi brought her up, her half-human form looks like Li Chi)

Veremund Guiynesh - species:human (opinion: OLDIE!!! You old 40+ year old man :P. hugs Axis' character sure has style, even if he is a bit short-tempered :P)

Zaltite Covenin - species:alderan (opinion: Much better! Though his head is a bit smaller than the others >XO . Ah well....still he's cute yes!!)

Belial - species:human (opinion: Love the pose so much!!! I still don't know this char that much....>:E AXIS I'm going to get you! Hurry up and rp with me soon! I WANNA KNOW!)

That's it for now...

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y1d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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