Li Chi Son

Rei and Divim, a lovely couple
Rei and Divim, a lovely couple by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Hey Pete! This is for you!!!

After talking to Peter (aka Divim) to get some info on some of his chars, I wanted to draw more of Divim and Rei. Also I was trying to draw Rei's wavy hair so it was perfect! Picture popped up in my head, and I began to draw.

-_-, used so many mediums here and I'm still not done.

Mediums: blue pen, black inky pen, markers, pencil crayon. Planning on using Photoshop 5.0 to colour the rest.

Enjoy it for now!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Teen (N)
22y13d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 31 July, 2002 @ 03:49 PM

No offense, but this picture isn't as good as your other work. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that you used so many mediums, but the picture seems to clash with itself. Sticking with one or two mediums will usually get you better results.

Posted: Wednesday, 31 July, 2002 @ 08:58 PM

makes a face You know, the more I stare at this COLOURED picture....I REALLY don't like using normal mediums, you can't change anything if you make a mistake.....-_-; sigh

Thanks for the comment. Now I know what to do with the borrowed markers! kicks them out of the house BAH! It's CG for me!!!

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