Vanessa Halls

Matthiace by @enn (Vanessa Halls)

My Aol is being a major pain in my Something right now. the mother*something* piece of something something.

So, I figured I'd upload some of these random sketches I've been spewing. Yay. This is another character I'm developing, from the same series as Linnore. He's an Aisha too, for the sole purpose of which that I had absolutely nothing better to do than make them. Yes. That's pronounced Matthias for those of you who were either too stupid to know or not paying attention. Yeah. Annnnyway, he's a vampire. Yay. Aren't you thrilled. And he's wearing a mask because one half of his face was all deformed. You'll know why when you read the part of his story on the Matthiace neopets' petpage that I haven't finished yet. I decided to upload him in the hopes Haley or Chibi would go "Wow, he's one of dumb little Krystil/Haika's most interesting characters, I want to RP with him" or sommat because I want to develope his story farther and I can't do that with a character unless I roleplay them and test out their personalitieees! And his story is still in the works so other characters could be fitted into it and crap! flaps arms all sadlike And because I want to RP him with Haley or Chibi. XB WEE! Artwork © Copyright 2003 Vanessa Halls

Rough / Concept
21y163d ago
Other Work By @enn

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 10:53 PM

Wow, this is one of Haika's most interesting characters! I really want to rp with them!

...XD Lubbly, Haika. We should rp.

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 11:17 PM

Wow, he's one of Krystil's most interesting characters, I HELLA want to RP with him! ^_^ hee hee! He's pretty good looking Krystil! Nice job! I can't wait to see him colored! :)

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