Li Chi Son

POSE!  *with no background still ;_; *
POSE! *with no background still ;_; * by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

maybe if I learnt how to draw backgrounds, I would attempt to do so with my artwork cause this picture would look a lot better if there was a background to it.

Bah...work on body poses, then background. Like Leon (luv yeah, you big dark chocolate teddy bear for a great friend) says: "try to set small goals.. big one's usually go bad"

((needs background tho.....))

It's new Li Chi laying down on supposed ground showing her necklace that I blew up...to 300x it's normal size :P

I drew this to show the cross more but it became a pose pic too. I really don't think this was what Gohan wanted for his cross :P welll...tough! It's mine now mUHAHHAHAHAH XD.

screw ups here and there but I can't pick them out just right now (overly happy to rp tonight with bro bro).

enjoy! HAPPY

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y195d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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