Li Chi Son

Quick sketch (warning: very messy and body parts way out of proportion)
Quick sketch (warning: very messy and body parts way out of proportion) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

This image is part of an idea called Twisted Tarot I had in mind but haven't really decided to start till now.

It was a very cheap sketch that grew very very big in the end -_-; I didn't want to shrink it because of all the heads in this picture.

Character - It is the androgynous Soul; or Natasu (means no name in japanese). Piece - called Reincarnation.

Idea - YOu want a spoiler bro?? well...too BAD! You're not getting any...not right now anyways. That's Li Chi (that large shard of glass beside Natasu) since they occupy the same body at this moment. The rest are just random people I drew as part of Natasu's life (well...not all of them evil smirk). I think I need to draw more "alien" types of creatures because they all look so....human!! shivers....(goes off and tries to destory the person on the centre right with those hideous looking LIPS and that horrible hat -_-)

changes - everything?? ok...it's not ALL that bad. The original idea was with mirrors but I've been playing too much American McGee's Alice (YES I CAN PLAY IT NOW!!! happy) and shattered glass has become my fancy. I'll probably draw out each individual face and give them a background story one day so it would give me a better idea of how to draw them. Maybe make one of them a Namek >.< hehhehe....I'll probably screw over Toriyama's(creator of Dragonball if you didn't kno) idea though so maybe another "alien" looking being.

Note - (top left) wanted to draw my "floating head" people, as someone elequently called them. I'm mixing NiGHTS into DREAMS now :P (top centre) if Leon ever finds out who she is, he'll kill me for messing with his storyline again...((and new Saitoh is NOT YAOI (yeah right)!! he just looks.....pretty....damn....hot....:P)) (top right) when I finally drew him and looked again...he reminded me of Deanna Echanique's Goreno Merrianae....well the horns anyway. SORRY! (bottom left, beside Natasu, directly under Li Chi's shard) the shape of the eye came from Kaori Yuki(artist of Angel Sanctuary, etc.) and I drew it while reading her mangas.

enjoy! P.s. Pics of each unknown individual will come very soon with a brief background story to go along.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Rough / Concept
21y196d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 20 January, 2003 @ 03:44 PM

This is so cool, I love the background and shardsness!


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