The Wizard Of Zaar

People of Avram: The Assassin
People of Avram: The Assassin by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

The Assassin: it's often said to be self evident, that the Sargari are a race of assassins. Men and women of that tribe walk this path on and off, usually for extra income.

But this Sargari woman has taken to assassination as a calling. She is the most fierce and secretive of her sisters in the community; she says very little and loves to listen. She is an even far more silent and creeping a skulk than other Sargari women and she hovers about other women of her tribe as if she's hiding amongst them.

She avidly attends the Ashkandar; at least once a day, some believing she may even live there. Though she socializes with all the Sargari community, lay and clerical; the lay community fear to speak her name aloud, especially cautious not to mention her name around Karia, Kadar or Vesra... Many believe her lack of a mask is a mask within itself. For she is a devotee to Agra akin to that of a Vesra.

She is a killer, a dagger in the dark. One who's name is a forbidden word.

Rough / Concept
153d1h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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