AV Salois

Piccy Trade: Jasmine!!
Piccy Trade: Jasmine!! by @avsalo (AV Salois)

I'm afraid Kylie might have gotten the lower end of the bargain in our picture trade, as I didn't do too good of a job on Jasmine, but I tried... I get points for that, right? She's supposed to look like a young teen, and... I don't know, this just isn't how I wanted it to come out. I tried drawing her a few more times, but each was worse than the previous (the horror!!!), so I finally decided it just wasn't going to get any better. And on paper, the top drawing's chin doesn't look quite that pointy, but... it does there. Hm. I swear my scanner distorts things or something!

So, anyway, without further rambling, here is my attempt at Kylie Scollick's Cardcaptor (?) Jasmine!

22y217d ago
Other Work By @avsalo

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 27 December, 2001 @ 11:54 PM

Eeeeee! You did another great one!!!! ohh, this one's going on my dorm wall back at school! She looks really cool, and now I feel really bad 'couls I've done one and you've done two! Anyway, Now that I've got the info on Irk's jacket, it'll be up in a couple of days (PROMISE!) Thanks again! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

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