partners in crime by @Takker (Katie Panagakis)
this is my first upload on this account and i'm trying to see how this works ^^' anyway, these two characters are flame (the girl) and lance (obviously the guy) flame belongs to my friend Meg whom i rp with on neopets and lance belongs to me. these two are happily married with a son. a little more about flame, she's an elemental irken with the power to control fire. neat no? and obviously, they're irkens. duh. this is one of my favorite MS paint works that i have. um, hope you like ^^'
Aw Takkie, this is, In my opinion, my FAVOURITE drawing that you've EVER sent me! I wuv it so much! hugs Flamey and Lancey They're SO Kaiwaii! Smiles I love the title too, I can totally see them performing evil acts of sneaky evil! Flame- hiding the cookie jar behind her back ^.^ Meg- T-T heyyyy.. Flame- whistles innocently while running O.S