Kat Dugas

Magus and Harvestmoon
Magus and Harvestmoon by @katduga (Kat Dugas)

This took place more then ten years ago. For one thing, Timbre's mom is only 16 here, and Magus is like 5 I think...he was 7 when she left, and 18 when he finally met her son...ok I'm confusing myself now...

Anywho, Magus' eye problem was kind of a puzzle to his family - let's just say the fact that they were cut off from most of the world meant they didn't know about glasses and such 'new' technology...so Harvest, who had been exploring and heard about such things, decided to smuggle little Magus out for some eyewear. It was either that or let the poor lil dude walk into things.

She got into trouble, but it was worth it. If not for the glasses, Magus would've never learned to read or anything. So it's her fault he's such a nerd. :P Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kat Dugas

Finished Work
22y16d ago
Other Work By @katduga

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 06 June, 2002 @ 07:09 PM

AWWWWW!!! He looks so cute in this picture! Little people are so cute! I like Harvestmoon too! Sondilyn the Canadian Deku Scrub Lumberjack ^O^

Posted: Saturday, 20 July, 2002 @ 09:34 AM

waiiiii i like ^^ only thing is (and im not very good with math) if Harvestmoon is 16 when he is about 5... she was 11 when he had him?? OO whoa. well anyway kawaii piccy!

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