Red Enger

How 'bout a better version?
How 'bout a better version? by @Scissorhands125 (Red Enger)

Really bored, really tired while i drew this one. I like it better than the Oingo Boingo picture though...This guy has no name yet, i've just been calling him the "Coffee Guy" since every picture i've drawn of him he's been thinking, or drinking coffee. Fun stuff. If anybody comes up with a good name, tell it to me. I need to give him a name...

19y207d ago
Other Work By @Scissorhands125

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 06 December, 2004 @ 02:11 PM

I think this is a great pic. I have a name you can use. Use Adam. I know you said no before but the evil side thing should be a good thing. With sick-up hair like you said at lunch today. Trust me. Try it just once if you want.

Posted: Monday, 06 December, 2004 @ 02:19 PM

eep! This is like an adam kind of person i guess...! Ah! And it scares just a little bit...like i said before...EEP!


Thanks for the suggestion, gonna check with the almighty creator of writing things, my cousin, to see if he has any ideas too. Thanks Jasper!

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