[quote="digoraccoon"]Nifty! I think you did a great job overall. Part dragon, part rabbit?[/quote]
Yes, I love dragon hybrids, I draw a lot of them. :D
S. Park
The Drabbit was one of the first costumes I ever made. I started working on it just for fun, but when I found out that the 2005 Costume Con was going to be held in my home town I buckled down to seriously get it done, and managed to not only finish it in time, but enter and win a workmanship award for it. It went to several cons with me after that, but was eventually sold to a friend of mine, who's been gradually refurbishing it. I didn't know what the heck I was doing when I made it, it was my first mascot-type head, and the inside is all brad ends and cardboard and rubber bands.
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Nifty! I think you did a great job overall. Part dragon, part rabbit?