Kat W.

Clover Faycat
Clover Faycat by @LostLove (Kat W.)

A kind of "creation" of mine (though I'm sure others have drawn them before)


This is one just fit for the holiday x3

Faycats come in all colors imaginable and each one has a special design to them. They are known for their long legs, tail and body. They can grow to the size of a small bird (about a cockateel) or small enough to fit on a clover x3

Supposed to be good luck, a Faycat will only come to those in need. Some would capture them to be pets or have them to show off. If one is captured, release it immediately! Severe consequences will be bestowed on the capture-r if they decide to keep the creature.

Like a Pheonix, a Faycat never truly dies. If one is close to "death", they curl up on the ground, sinking into the leaf litter or soil. A flower bearing plant of the Cat's color will grow in the spot. The first bloom to open holds the newly born Faycat.

So if you ever see a random flower in the middle of the woods, forest or even behind your house. Leave it be! A Faycat might be waiting to be born =D

14y198d ago
Other Work By @LostLove

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Friday, 19 March, 2010 @ 01:54 AM
Rating: 5

^^ I saw the thumbnail and clicked on it thinking "this can't not be cute." And I was right. Both the picture and the story are completely adorable!

I really like how you showed the faycat's shadow through the leaves, and especially how you did so dynamically. The mash-up of textures is pretty cool, too.

I'll be sure I'm extra careful around random flower. >^.^< Now I have a good excuse to not pull the weeds in my yard!

Posted: Friday, 16 April, 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Awesome Excuse! XD

Posted: Friday, 19 March, 2010 @ 10:29 AM
Rating: 5

Cute lil' picture, very interesting too. I really like how you did with leaves excelent details on it, and the "Faycat" is really cute too. Great job! ^_~

Posted: Friday, 16 April, 2010 @ 06:11 PM

I'm glad you like it =3

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