April Parks

Golden Eyes
Golden Eyes by @tigermouse (April Parks)

On a white-haired elf. More a lighting experiment than anything else. She also reminds me why I don't like doing digital painting.

Another piece for Ellen Million's Portrait Adoptions.

Finished Work
19y218d ago
Other Work By @tigermouse

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 01 November, 2004 @ 07:48 PM

Nice Portrait! Looks pretty real.......................Shirley

Posted: Monday, 01 November, 2004 @ 08:22 PM

GORGEOUS. I love the dramatic lighting and the texture in her shirt is lovely. The way you accentuated the individual strokes of hair is great. I don't like digital painting myself, though I think I'd like it more if I were as talented as you XD

Posted: Tuesday, 02 November, 2004 @ 07:23 AM

Man, I must've been AFK for EVER. You already finished it!!

I like the shades of blueish in the hair. And yeh, the lips do have a realistic shape to them! Very nice. Good smirk.

Grab yourself Faigin's book on facial expressions; it'll make things like the eyes less...tricky, I think, for you. The eyes...just don't read.

Mega points for the elf ear--lighting and shape. MEGA POINTS.

Posted: Wednesday, 03 November, 2004 @ 03:13 AM

gorgeous and well done. I love the hair and the details in the image. The only problem I have, is the eye brows, so much detail went into all the image, but the eye brows lack details. Maybe add some of the colours from the hair into the eyebrows to accentuate them and make them more realistic like the rest of your image.

Posted: Wednesday, 22 December, 2004 @ 06:53 AM

Wonderful piece, great lighting. The hair is amazing and the expresion is very well done. The only thing I'm not sure of are the eyebrows, I think they need a touch of shading because they seem quite bold and stand out too much. Other than that beautiful!

Posted: Saturday, 13 October, 2007 @ 08:52 AM

Wow! The shadows are great, and the detail of strokes in the hair are wonderful. Awesome job! ^_~

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