Lisa Williams

Ain't I CUTE?!
Ain't I CUTE?! by @PsychoGirl (Lisa Williams)

Don't ask HOW my scanner did that, I have no idea, but it looks cool so I kept it. XD Here's Guya again! It's Guya day! YAY!

Okay first thing's first. Guya. Is NOT. Simba! @_@ AAAHHHH!!!! LOOK!!! See the NOSE?! Get a picture of Simba and compare and contrast! The NOSE, people, the NOSE! Now, look at her EARS! Notice they are a little more koala-like with BROWN tips. Simba's ears are Simba-like with BLACK RINGS INSIDE. BROWN TIPS, BLACK RINGS. There's a difference. And look at the eyes!

Guya's eyes are drawn WITHOUT the rings around them. Look at the pupils themselvs, they are ANIME LIKE. SEE?! The light reflection spot, the dark spot for the pupil and the Iris going from dark to light?! See it?! @_@ Simba's eyes have rings and the pupils themselvs he has mostly black then a little orange ring and a light reflection in there somewhere. They are different in every way, from fur color and nose right down the the GENDER!


Simba comes from a MONARCHY! Guya comes from a TRIBE! As in a tribe of indians type of thing. Simba is well groomed- Guya is PUFFY! PUFFY FLUFFY! And I can go on and on!!


steps off the soap box Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lisa Williams

Finished Work
21y201d ago
Other Work By @PsychoGirl

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