Anne E. Gipple

Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Woo! Werewolves! Oh great. Do I rate this Furry or Humaniod? (c;

A little scene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, or as we lazy people prefer to call it, Book 3.

Here we have an overly dramaticized portrait of Professor Remus Lupin... because somebody told me to draw it. Why, yes, I am the highly suggestible type.

Lupin stares thoughtfully into the brew Snape has concocted to help him with his... er... monthly irritability, while Ye Olde Greaseball himself lurks by the window, looking devious. One can almose hear him muttering "Ha-hah! The fool! Little does he realise that that potion is nothing more than Midol and Palmolive dissolved in a weak tea! Muaaahahahaha!!!"

Yeh, I know, I'm gonna shut up now. Oh dear, I hope that wasnt a spoiler for Book 5! ;-D

22y159d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Tuesday, 22 January, 2002 @ 11:31 PM

(ROTFLs) his... "monthly irritability" !!!!! I'm going to have to call it that, from now on...(snork!!)


Ahem. Aside from that, I love the wolfface in the BG. nice and drooly and evil. I like your evilcacklingtype Snape. Funfun!

I've jsut started on my own sketches of RJLupin (he's my fave in the series, aside from the Dream Team, of course ;) .. must...develop...him further!

Excellent craftsmanship, as usual! :D

myart: www.lunarpages.com/corridor

Posted: Thursday, 24 January, 2002 @ 07:39 PM

Ha ha ha!! Major coolness!! Little do they know that it was I who suggested this picture of everyone's favorite werewolf...well, POPULAR one, anyway...^_^

Posted: Friday, 01 February, 2002 @ 01:45 AM

Heehee! I love Lupin! Cool werewolf you've got here, and neat lighting as well! Heh, I agree with Athena about the 'monthly irritability'....Midol, heh!


Posted: Saturday, 27 July, 2002 @ 07:32 PM

Great pic! i love the composition, with Snape and Lupin in the room and the werewolf snarling the 'other side of Remus' Very nice colouring too :)

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