Yumeno Shoiryu

Radiant Burn...
Radiant Burn... by @yumeshoi (Yumeno Shoiryu)

Quatre hung his head, feeling that familiar nagging guilt building up in his stomach. There was so much he owed to so many people; here was yet another person to help him without question of repayment, without mention of debt. The gentle weight of Zalifah's hand on his shoulder felt like an iron band around his heart.

'I am... a symbol, to so many people. But I'm... a person... to so few.'

'Somewhere.... ...in the dark. ...Alone. ...hates to be alone-'

He knew, somehow, he would manage to make his way. There was always some kind of beacon there to guide. Not visible, not tangible, but there all the same.

Quatre smiled again, blue eyes flicking upwards briefly, but the expression came out painful and forced. "...Thank you," he said softly. The hoarseness of his own voice surprised him, and he coughed several times to clear his throat. "I... cannot tell you how grateful I am..."

(Quatre as he appears in The Slaughtered RP. He looks... blitzed.) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Yumeno Shoiryu

22y113d ago
Other Work By @yumeshoi

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 29 March, 2002 @ 06:49 AM

a cute image supported with powerful words. You have a talent (love the eyes) and have used it greatly. you do like useing powerful quotes to support your images which is a skill that only you use ( as far as ive seen) A terriffic work. Cheers Sal.

Posted: Thursday, 02 May, 2002 @ 01:23 PM

huggles Quat Now...If only trowa was here...looks around in the shadows There he is! shoves Trowa over to comfort Quat

Posted: Friday, 03 May, 2002 @ 01:31 AM
Quatre: ^^;;
Trowa: //_^;

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