Terry Lynn M

Katro the Chaos Chyrith
Katro the Chaos Chyrith by @dracothrope (Terry Lynn M)

More crappy scanning! This is Katro, a unique spotted, male Chaos Chyrith. (Actually decided on a background for this one!) He's got to be one of the strangest, most perverted Chyrith's alive, if he isn't insane.

He's about 20 something, and has been killing for most of his life. First he started with tormenting the small animals, and eventually worked up to his own species (and breed). When simple murder wasn't enough for him, Katro eventually found pleasure in seducing his victims, killing them as he bedded them. He has kept records of his sick and twisted pursuits in the skulls he harvested. To date he has around 200 skulls, both Chyrith and other wise, of all breeds, genders, and ages. Katro is not to be stopped, has found himself somewhat invincible, has begun to delude himself as being some kind of malicious god. He is a hazard to Chytonia and is the quarry of more than one hunter.

(whaddya think, purdy good, huh? I think I might keep this one to terrorize the boards with...)

Finished Work
22y80d ago
Other Work By @dracothrope

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Saturday, 18 May, 2002 @ 10:26 AM

Eeehehee. I'll have him if you don't want him! }:> o.o does he have an evil sibling too?! hinthint ^^

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