Kelli Rae

1001 Arabian Knights
1001 Arabian Knights by @kellrae (Kelli Rae)

SW33T! Its Kalyptra again, making a big entrance.... is typing on her new laptop which she has dubbed Sessho-maru-sama Why is she dressed like this you ask? Remember the Dusis story? Well just imagine 'drama week' for the school! ^^ Kalyptra gets stuck with ALADIN! ^^ bwahahahahahaha!

Finished Work
21y159d ago
Other Work By @kellrae

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Monday, 28 April, 2003 @ 10:51 PM

glare Think green. What feeling is associated with the color green besides liveliness (I cna't spell) and the sort? I must say that I love the flowiness of the whole. Everything is flowy ^^ Prettiness. Coolio. Nyah. I sound... iffy. Psh.
Me likes. Drama week? Sounds interesting. Did you say she got "stuck" with Aladdin? Aladdin's not bad, you know. If you implied that it was to one of my friends, someone help you...

Posted: Tuesday, 29 April, 2003 @ 06:39 AM

Aladdin is good, but I've only seen it once. But I'll probably draw an alternate for two reasons!

1) Kalyptra's papa might just flip out and have a hissy fit about what she's wearing...possibly fire the person in charge of costumes...

2) Who here knew that the story takes place half in China, half in Morocco?

So...I'm going to spare "Papa" the pain and stick possibly the whole setting in China.

Hey! Should I draw an SD of "Papa" and his reaction?

Posted: Tuesday, 29 April, 2003 @ 04:13 PM

SOOO PRETTY! I love the costume design and the greenness of it all. Actually, this inspires me... for my blue pic, I should do an arabian costume. thanks!


Posted: Wednesday, 30 April, 2003 @ 12:34 AM

I do think you should draw that SD pic of "Papa." I'd think it'd be uber sweet. Not to mention it'll give me my dose of amusement for a decent amount of time... I like the see-through, transparent, sheer cloths, scarf, all those thingys whatcha-call-its... sorry, my brain's on the fritz.

Posted: Wednesday, 30 April, 2003 @ 08:30 PM

Probably a good idea...Goodness knows what'll happen if "Papa" sees you in this...and you know what? Of the four of us, only two of our "fathers" really care about what we do...and what we wear...and who we like... ^^;

Posted: Monday, 05 May, 2003 @ 09:09 PM

Hey, hey, hey! Anwe, I must differ! It's not that my "father/daddy/papa" doesn't care what I do or who I like or what I wear... It's that he trusts me to make my own choices (he knows me too well. He could probably almost read my mind) and prefers to be spared the evils of having to take care of a "daughter." He gets enough from his sister. (He thanks Kami I'm a tomboy) Although... I do believe he would be quite happy to kick someones arse for me if I asked; Though he'd likely wonder why I hadn't already done it myself...

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