Jennifer Pitcock Doneske

Forgotten Things (black & white)
Forgotten Things (black & white) by @whitefantom (Jennifer Pitcock Doneske)

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This started as a scribble in Painter Classic. I scribbled the sword in black and white line art using the scratchboard tool, and once I'd finished it I realized there was something more this sword had to say, so I kept scribbling, and this piece was born. Being so colour-oriented, I decided to paint this almost as soon as I'd finished this black and white version; the painted version will soon be available from Ellen Million Graohics and will be posted here when the design goes live there.

As for what this drawing is about...I'm not really sure. The sword definitely had more to say, but I can't say I'm entirely sure what it turns out to be. ;-) I get the sense of a battle fought long ago, a battle in which there was much sacrifice, but a battle that has been long forgotten.

(January 2004; drawn in Painter Classic)

20y175d ago
Other Work By @whitefantom

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