Yeaaaah... his hair looks a little straighter in this picture. o.o It was a goof on my part that happended during the inking part.
Jordan Gregory
Requested by Lynne! ...a really really long time ago. .. Ah. Well this all got started when we were talking about Viva(we don't talk about anything else, really o.o) and how he was a teacher and his students were girls and someone made a comment about how the girls must have just been totally head over heels in love with the guy, cos we all know Viva's that nice with kids. u.u So Lynne asked me to draw this! :D Viva in teacher-mode, and the girls looking fondly after. Awwwww. ^^
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X'D!!!!!! proceeds to writhe around in conniptions for a while OMG!!! IT'S SO FOOKIN CUTE!!!!! LOOKIT THEM!!!! CHEESY HEARTS!!! XD!!!!
becomes mildly sane again ;D Nice job on the 'background' Basty! No, really, though, it fits REALLY well. u.u I just like teasing you for never drawing backrounds.
8] I like Viva's hair. I'm so happy you stole my hair-coloring techniques. His hair looks less curly than usual in this piccage. o.o
OMG SO CUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!! Chibi girls!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Really, though, how can you NOT be head over heels in love with the guy? ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 I mean... look how cool his HAIR is!!
Vivi is totally gonna love this pic :] So is KidK. Cuz it's CUTE. And funny. And EEEEEEEEEEEEE snuggles Bast