You've got some nice 3D contrast going with the fins/wings and the face! Fun patterns on the scales, too!
More sharp lines in the mane would make it look more fur/hairlike, if that's what it's meant to be ...
Piccy for an art trade! :D I like how it came out.. it looks all prettyful. Except, I've really never tried drawing a Dragon in that shape before.. (Levi is a Leviathan) I had a time trying to figure out where to put the wings. o.o;
Okay, I officially adore Photoshop layering :] Why did I not discover this sooner?
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Ooooo! This is really cool, I like the dragon's overall look, with the wings and tail and stuff, but the bloo glow is awesome! And the eye! And the little green scales look like...I donno. Pretty!