XD You guys are so WEIRD! All these guys who are like freakin Jack-Skellington-shaped and you're all like "@_@ drool" Then again I'd think you were all weird no matter WHO anyone drooled over. 6.6
Hey, which month does Maroon get? He's the only stick figure who isn't a pinup yet!
For some reason Purple in this picture makes me want to dig a hole and bury him in it... o.o; .... hey, come on, here, I'M not the wolf! ... actually it also reminds me of D'Violet from your BatB parody.. XD He just has that expression on his face... plus the ankh.. but he looks like such a club nerd! It's great! XD AWESOME job KidK. u.u
OW! YAYAYAYAYA! XD! wolf whistles, cat calls FOXY TALLEST!
I want to steal hi shirt. 6.6....
Very nice pose, COOLAGE BG, and neat outfit. u.u The usualy, my dear KidK.
June is comin' up next right? cackle MY turn >]