
  1. To see how something holds up against itself is a bigger priority than to see how tangible a foundation it has. That in turn is a bigger priority than to see how widespread it’s adhered to among the masses.

  2. Uncertain semantic accuracy is made certain by phrasing triangulation. The same applies to the third thing in rule one.

  3. Something not holding up against itself, if whether something does so or doesn’t so cannot be agreed upon, will have that aspect of itself tested using a method of the accused’s choice which will become the method everyone may use.

  4. Absolutists take priority over non-absolutists, and fallacious foundations must be counted in the form of a score.

  5. If someone’s message goes by a modus operandi, it by definition can be traced to something it might refer to, but if it doesn’t, the word is as good as moot. The same applies to aggression and unfocus.

  6. Someone inseparable from an identifier can have their communication traced to an experience, but otherwise they’re only good for backing things up in other ways.

  7. Improbability of a tangible foundation being forged is not the same as the impossibility, and the former must make questioning possible. The less so the moreso.

  8. The final decision of a session must be enforced by way of honor, with all those who wish the session to bring them solace to promise to enforce the honor under threat of having it enforced upon them. If anyone treats the re-honored as de-honored, they too must be de-honored. Beware places that disallow these and always ask who someone is in other places. All this will be helped by a registry.

  9. Sessions are to be equal opportunity except for character which is the subject of the judgment, with forfeiters and cheaters facing automatic loss, the only exception being the support of doctrine inseparable from identity which conflicts with the spirit of the place. Also, anything outside of a session that derives from exchanges within a session falls under the jurisdiction of whoever is presiding over it to issue any discipline deemed necessary in response to it.

  10. If the same session is to be done multiple times throughout time, it must be done an odd number of times as to allow there to be a majority. Aside from this, under no circumstances can a result conflict with a past result having to do with anyone.

The Ten E-dicts [Digital, Impromptu Trialing] by @chaseawaythedark

If they sound vague, that's because, just like the precepts that inspired them and which they follow suit to, they don't have to be immediately understandable, so as long as, when a moment arises that they can be cited, they will be understandable during the context of that moment.

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Saturday, 28 October, 2023 @ 06:03 AM
Rating: 5

Very deep, my friend. Very deep.

Posted: Saturday, 28 October, 2023 @ 07:13 AM
Rating: 4

@VerseOfDreams: Thanks. Hopefully it provides a good social blueprint on how to keep things in check.

Posted: Saturday, 28 October, 2023 @ 06:33 PM

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