Eveline Sun

The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fellowship of the Ring by @eggiechan (Eveline Sun)

(Most of it anyway)

Gimli (really bad sketch), Legolas, Aragorn (Strider), Frodo.

Bad sketch, I hain't drawed in awhile...

22y196d ago
Other Work By @eggiechan

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 21 December, 2001 @ 03:57 AM

i just saw lord of the rings not more than like, three hours ago. Legolas looks soooooooooooooooooooo cute in yer pics. :D

Posted: Monday, 24 December, 2001 @ 01:44 PM

eee! I LOVE the way you draw these guys! Even the sketchy Gimli is great! worships your talent

Posted: Friday, 28 December, 2001 @ 01:26 AM

:D! I can't believe it! They all look PERFECT! (Read: recognizable and charming!). I like the dwarf (grunt) and Frodo (captured that "I'm as serious as a heart-attack!" expression perfectly!)

my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill

Posted: Friday, 28 December, 2001 @ 11:28 PM

Eggie~! You forgot the tragic Boromir-! O.O
Well, I forgive you, as you did include Gimli. And I always go for the tragic characters, anyway. Or maybe it's something to do with 'B' names . . . grin

Wonderful stoff, all that aside.

Posted: Friday, 04 January, 2002 @ 04:25 PM

Omgh! They look like the peeps in the movie! I loved that movie (not to mention the book)! You are awesome when it comes to drawing.

Posted: Friday, 11 January, 2002 @ 11:34 AM

Wow...they are soooo adorable! I love em! Escpecially Frodo, wow, that is awesome. <_>

Posted: Monday, 11 February, 2002 @ 01:40 PM

Aw! Legolas is so cute! They all are!

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