Aeon Flux

Playful by @Icenine (Aeon Flux)

Behold the power of prisma color pens! Thought I'd try my hand at these cutesy furrys everyone seems so keen on drawing. My own version here, done entirely in prisma pens! I'm so proud that I can actually use them somewhat effectively, pen is such a wily medium.

Finished Work
22y275d ago
Other Work By @Icenine

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 21 September, 2001 @ 12:06 AM

Hey there Jen! See one of your new pics are up at side7. Stinky elfwood is down for a while now.. ::grumble:: anywho, you seem to be doing fine yourself, expecially with the pens! Prisma pens are hard to blend, tehy only blend when very wet...but you did wonderful with the shadows and only using the pens? this is so clean and neat...great touch with the little ear-ring.. ^_^

very pretty job Jen, keep it up!

Posted: Thursday, 27 September, 2001 @ 08:57 AM

Excellent! You did that with PENS?! Sweatdrop now I am truely envious. oddly enough.. I have to say I love their feet. Hehe keep up the great work

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