Dib and Zim plushies from Invader Zim. by @silvolf (Lara Ryan)
I finally got some better pics taken of them! Here's Dib without and with his little coat. He has a pair of thin wire glasses as well. At the bottom he's next to the Zim plushie I made. I had to resize this cos Side 7 didn't like the original sized one...merf.... It's hard putting photos together as one image and keeping it small!
WOOHOO, another Plushie-maker person! I made a Dibby one a long time ago, but this one is so cool with that removable trench coat; mine's attached. The glasses are pretty hard to see, though. Looks like you had some trouble keeping the head balanced.. same with mine, kept flopping over (huge head!)...
Zim is awesome, too. I so need to make one like this! I bought the supplies to make an Irkan backpod a while back, but never got around to throwing all the pieces together.. welps, congrats, they look great!
My Dib (Comments are appreciated!)