Jess Buehler

Paper Explosion
Paper Explosion by @jessbueh (Jess Buehler)

Well, it's back to school for my senior year. That should be enough of a description to explain the whole thing, but I'm going to give you a bit of story along with it.

My friend Hillary and I were in 1st period art class together today, and we were helping out (as it's "Da Bosses" prep period and its the 2nd day of school this year) by creating new sketch pads for pretty much all art students. When we were about done, she looked down at the floor where we had been piling our sketch pads, and she commented with something like this..

"Oh, look at this.. your pile is all neat and tidy, while mine's all like.. BLEH! It's like a paper explosion!"

And that's what put this image into my head. ^^ As I'll be having alot of homework this year (I'm taking corespondence courses too) It's kindof how I feel already.. I'm more physicaly exhausted at the end of the day than mentaly though. I work 3 days out of the school week, and dont get to sleep in EVER, cause I open both days on the weekend, and work ALL DAY on sunday. Walking to work from school while wearing heavy goth-boots hurts, too.. hehe Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jess Buehler

Rough / Concept
21y304d ago
Other Work By @jessbueh

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