Megan Casey

Dream Creature
Dream Creature by @paradox (Megan Casey)

It's a creature. That was in one of my dreams. Approximately four feet tall? Highly dangerous when you're unarmed, but can at times be overtaken if they're suddenly distracted.

The easiest way to distract them, is with these small little creatures you sometimes find... they're sort of obling/oval/ball shaped, and can vary in colours... they'll generally protect you from any enemy as long as you've got them, so it's best to try and find one if you haven't gotten a weapon yet. But those little ones won't defend you from one creature --- these guys, in the picture above. They love these guys, and'll run up and rub against their legs, making a sound something like the purring of a cat... fortunately it will usually distract these guys, and you can rush them. And the little ones don't care after you kill these guys, it's like nothing happened to them. You gotta be careful though. Sometimes when you rush these guys, the little ones get caught underfoot and get killed as well. But even then, you've usually got time to find another one of these little ones, if you can (they're kinda rare), because these guys are solitary and almost never travel in groups or even pairs.

...uh... anyways.

This was inked with a semi-crappy pen, actually just a normal writing pen... coloured with markers... the green might look a bit messy, but I don't care. It took a while to find an old enough, faded enough marker to do that pale pale green! Artwork © Copyright 2003 Megan Casey

Finished Work
21y187d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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