Anne E. Gipple

Homesick by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Request for my friend Jen. This sort of 'came to her in a vision'.


Anyhoo, its an anthro dingo aussie guy, who, judging by the rather spectacular view out of his window, finds himself living in San Francisco, and wishing he were back home. Hence the koala plushie and the kookaburra.

Quote at the bottom was added by me as I was listening to 'Santa Monica' by Savage Garden as I was sketching it.

22y202d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 10 December, 2001 @ 03:05 AM

SO that's what the dingo thing was about. I was a bit confused...

Is he s'possed to look like Daniel? Cuz there is quite a bit of resemblance.


Posted: Tuesday, 11 December, 2001 @ 12:19 AM

Uh.. no.. no it's not.. shifts eyes (c;

Posted: Wednesday, 12 December, 2001 @ 05:31 PM

Ooo! SG! SG!!! dies Sorry, fellow obsesser here. Though, I'm more of a Daarrrrksider ;) http://www.side7.com/art/callhigh/ Check out my art, too. OH and thanks heaps for the amazing picture of CC in da desert ;D Reminded me of the "Break Me Shake Me" video...grin :D THANKS!

Posted: Monday, 07 January, 2002 @ 11:44 PM

MY PIC! IT'S MY PIC!!!! :D :D :D hugs it :D Thankeeeee again!

Posted: Saturday, 19 January, 2002 @ 01:19 PM

Aww, the mood on this is so well done. I love it, and your style mis so original.

Posted: Saturday, 10 May, 2003 @ 07:45 PM

I rather appreciate the bird to the left, and the inanimate ted is just adorable. A remarkable work overall as well, as others have commented.

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