Anne E. Gipple

Gryphtauress by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Gryphtaur Warrioress. I finally did a landscape-esque background I like. I'M SO PROUD OF MEEE!! (c:

I like the colors too.

Finished Work
22y323d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 14 August, 2001 @ 05:48 PM

Muy spifferiffic, as usual. :) I love them arkings on her face. The lower part of her body looks a bit blocky to me, though, especially her left front leg.. just a minor nitpick though. I'd definitely bid on this if you put it on Furbid. That is, if I had any money... :P KUTGW!

Posted: Sunday, 26 August, 2001 @ 06:50 PM

Yes. The colors are GREAT. And I love her face. But yes, the body does seem blocky. And you could stand to ...hmm...I'm not sure if you should darken contrast on your shadows...or if you should just mebbe take more work in making sure your highlights and shadows don't end in the round paintbrush end (since shadows can end in sharp tips sometime, you need to go and paint the shadow a sharp edge with the color surrounding it)...but..Idunno. I like your coloring work, yet I think it could use something else...I just can't think what!

my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill

Posted: Monday, 27 August, 2001 @ 01:18 AM

Thankya thankya..

I KNOW the body is a bit blocky. I kinda intended that. I was trying a new more geometrical way of drawing. All I can see is that her back legs are a little short. But hey, no one's perfect. (c: And all gryphtaursare not created equal.

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