
Bunni Girl ^_^
Bunni Girl ^_^ by @strawberry_neko (Ashley)

A friend of my requested this... heehee its a kawaii bunni girl =D I was going to do some commitions for his company, but unfortunatly I don't have the time.

Teen (N)
20y166d ago
Other Work By @strawberry_neko

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 17 January, 2004 @ 06:06 PM

Omg, wow! That is such a cute drawing ^ ^ I love how you did the ears bent too. Darn I wish I could draw anime as well as that lol but everybody has their own style I guess. Anyway, great job on the image ;D

Posted: Saturday, 17 January, 2004 @ 10:19 PM

Great ears... tears up as she looks at them So adorable ears!!!! the hair lines are great, the body and boobage are great and i adore the shade.. with just the black/white. Nice. the gloves folds look fantastic... but the fingers look slightly forced.. or the line quality contrasts kinda sets me off i supoose XD

Posted: Saturday, 17 January, 2004 @ 11:47 PM

She's certainly a cutie! I definetly like the design you have here, it really seems like it would work well as a logo. She looks like she would be saying something like a brand name.

I'm very impressed with your inking skills. The way you vary the thickness of the lines to give a sense of depth to a simple line drawing is something I strive for, personally. Great job!

In other critiques, her hand looks strange--even though it is the rather SD anime form, I think that it looks like her first two fingers are in front of her thumb, rather than behind it, a bit. That's all I notice that seems off in this picture.

You wouldn't happen to be doing a colored version, would you? That would look awesome!

Posted: Sunday, 18 January, 2004 @ 07:43 AM

Well yes I am going to color it, when I get a chance to ^^. I know the hands look a bit weird... oh how I hate hands... welll drawing hands anyways. ^^' I still need a butt load of practice on hands of course.

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