Just curiousd to know, when you pad the suit, does the padding press up against you a lot (like, pressure) or does it still feel comfortable to wear? Also, what do you normally charge for suits?
Padded body suit by @bladespark (S. Park)
Wearing a layer of fur over you tends to obscure certain features, so if you want to actually look female you often have to pad a bit. :) Although I suspect this one was padded to a slightly larger cup size than the wearer actually sported. :D (And despite certain stereotypes, the customer for this was actually a girl! Though I've made them for guys as well.)
This was just the body, made to match an existing partial.
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[quote="digoraccoon"]Just curiousd to know, when you pad the suit, does the padding press up against you a lot (like, pressure) or does it still feel comfortable to wear? Also, what do you normally charge for suits?[/quote]
The padding is still comfy, it's just foam, so it squishes. AS for what I charge, the base price for a full suit is $1,300. Actual prices will depend on the character and if you want stuff like padding, etc.
I like it, it came out shapely in a good way.