Yo Ho Ho and a Birthday of Happy by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
=D Today do mark the day of me swashbucklin' matey Kat's 21st turn 'round the sun, me hearties! So raise yer scurvy voices an' give 'er yer best pirate wishes 'a good fortune!
XD;; Oh I can't keep that up for long enough. Kat's better. =B I do love her so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my most insane and sweet friend of all! Many happy returns! And a bottle of rum! ...heheh, you're old enough NOW, lass. >]
Of course I kid. Hope you had a great day, Kat. ^.^ Love you dearly!
:D!!! >D ARRR! Thank ye kindly, me hardy. u.u This fine drawin' do be tuggin' at me old heartstrings. An' what treasure in the land could be more worth plundering than...CAKE! >B!!!