Kaua Schneider

A Good Start

{Kauã, who is a Drizzile with dark blue glasses, is in a cartoonish field with lots of flowers and grass. Kauã waves to the spectator and starts talking}

Kauã: Hi, I'm Kauã and I'm going to create this new series because I think the Pokémon franchise is falling apart, like a junkyard.

{As soon as Kauã says “lata-velha”, J-Quest’s Lata-Velha music plays in the background and stops shortly after being played}

Kauã: This series will be based on my adventures in my own world, with some friends from my real life and the rest being original characters. I'll also try to focus on them instead of just myself so as not to be self-centered. I will introduce my 1st friend, Enzo Henrique.

{Enzo, who is a Popplio with black glasses, appears shortly after Kauã speaks}

Enzo: Hi Kauã, I can't imagine how this series is going to be.

{Shortly after Enzo speaks, he makes a bubble that bursts due to inexperience}

Enzo: Oopssss.

Kauã: Not bad Enzo, I can make balloons, bubbles or whatever you call it with the pores of my hands.

{A balloon is made with the pores of Kauã's hand, who subsequently shoots the balloon away}

Enzo: Wow, Kau, I didn't know you could do that.

Kauã: That's right, and I'm going to introduce another friend: Marco Antônio.

{Marco, who is a Sobble, appears shortly after Kauã speaks}

Marco: Hi Kauã and Enzo, I can't wait for this series to become epic.

Kauã: That's right, Marco, I also have one more friend to show the spectators: Renan.

{Renan, who is a Lucario, appears shortly after Kauã speaks}

Renan: Hi Kau, I am very interested in this series you are doing, I brought you a friend of mine: Natália.

{Natália, who is a Weavile, appears shortly after Renan speaks}

Natália: Hi Kau, it's been so long since I've seen you and I'm excited about your new series.

Kauã: Yes, and so am I, and lastly, I introduce you to my friend Adrieli.

{Adrieli, who is a Fennekin, appears shortly after Kauã speaks}

Adrieli: Hi guys, am I late? You must be wondering how I manage to hold things and stand with this quadruped body.

Kauã: I don't need a question, after all everyone based on real life people is here with me, and together we're going to say “ADVENTURE” out loud. All ready?



A Good Start by @MrDrizzile (Kaua Schneider)

This is the first literature post i ever made. It's the official English translation of the first episode of my series "Adventure!" held on this website!

Basically, this your average pilot episode.

Finished Work
297d21h ago
Other Work By @MrDrizzile

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