The Wizard Of Zaar

Loria by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

Loria is one of the humans (Or Gaians as they call themselves) of the crew.

She is the ships mechanic and handy woman; born to a division of Gaian kind called travellers, Gaians who lead nomadic life in space.

She like they is tough, savvy and resourceful. Having intimate knowledge of machines and how to improvise.

She has much experience with non human races, though like most Gaians; stays tight with other Gaians... Even grounders, Gaians born and raised on planets.

Though Travellers and Grounders have their differences; they always stick together in space.

Loria is a particular and special kind of Traveller; a symbiote. A caste of space faring Gaians who's physiology has undergone hybridisation with plants in order to aid them in their survival in space.

Though Symbiotes are rare, numbering only a few hundred families. They exist exclusively among travellers, as they are more at home in space rather than on a world.

Rough / Concept
127d4h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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