Fabian Wittke

Kariya - my CUTE character!^-^
Kariya - my CUTE character!^-^ by @Fawriel (Fabian Wittke)

giggles This is Kariya,my cute side!^-^ She is 9 years old,and for that,this little lady has an ENORMOUS strength!:B She has rich parents and a high intelligence,but is nevertheless a little troublemaker.^-^ She loves hugging people(her record was 132 hugs a day). But when she has something serious to say,nobody takes her serious. That often drives her really mad,which makes her kinda dangerous!^-^;; She loves musculous guys,animals,wearing a puffed sleeve shirt cos it makes her look as if she had large muscles and wrestling with her classmates. In a battle,she can enchant her pet Wushel"Kiko"(sitting on her hand)with magical energy or equip the clips in her hair with various perls she can use for whipping and smashing her opponents!^-^ She often finds new pets besides Kiko she can summon,making her a mighty opponent in battle! giggles Artwork © Copyright 2002 Fabian Wittke

Finished Work
21y235d ago
Other Work By @Fawriel

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Tuesday, 15 October, 2002 @ 11:23 AM

aww!!! shes so cute ^_^ i want hair like her... its so unfair :(

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